Clues for Bed Bugs

Clues for Bed Bugs

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Let's face it, nobody really wants to talk or read about bed bugs. That is, unless you are worried about having them invade your personal space. Just the thought of them can make your skin crawl. However, regardless of your feelings towards bed bugs, it's important to be aware of them when spring and summer roll around. These pesky creatures can sneak into your home without any noticeable signs, until it's too late.

The professional bed bug exterminators at Professional Pest Management in St Albert have valuable information to share about bed bug extermination. If you're willing to continue reading, we are happy to provide you with our insights. Without further ado, let's dive into what we have to share! 

Spotting bed bugs can be difficult due to their small size and ability to hide well. However, if you know their physical description, you can avoid mistaking them for other types of bugs. Bed bugs are ovular with visible legs and become reddish in color after feeding on blood. They become engorged after feeding, making them easier to spot, but still remain elusive.


Bites are usually the first sign that you should start looking for bed bugs. If you or anyone else in your household is experiencing new, itchy bites, you may have a bed bug infestation. These bites may appear in a straight line or zigzag pattern on exposed skin, and they tend to be small, red, and very itchy. However, it's important not to use these bites as definitive proof that bed bugs are present, as they could also be caused by other insects or certain skin conditions. Instead, consider them a possible indicator that you need to investigate further for additional clues.


It's possible that the second indication of bed bugs is the presence of small rust-colored blood stains on your bedding or pillowcases. These stains won't be bright red and will be quite small. You might notice them in various places on your bedding and be puzzled about their origin. Sadly, these droplets could be a sign that bed bugs are present.


Another way to detect bed bugs is by smelling an unusual odor. Bed bugs actually emit a musky scent that resembles a damp towel. If you notice this odor along with other indications of bed bugs, it's a strong sign that they are present.

Common Hiding Spots

Lastly, bed bug eggs can be seen by humans as they are not too tiny. They are usually off-white in color and can be found in crevices, seams, or cracks. It's important to inspect areas around the buttons, mattress edges, bed frame, and even the box spring.  If you should spot one, keeping it in a plastic zip bag is very helpful for exterminators to make a correct assessment.

Once you have looked into the clues mentioned previously and marked off a few of them, it is time to take the next step. This step involves seeking the assistance of a professional. Professional Pest Management experts are equipped with the knowledge and skills to accurately assess any infestations. Therefore, it is essential to seek our help.

It's not advisable to handle a bed bug infestation by yourself. Instead, it's best to rely on the expertise of professional exterminators who can provide effective treatment solutions. If you have any environmental concerns, feel free to ask them. They can provide information on any chemicals or solutions they plan to use, and there are even eco-friendly options available that are just as effective. Professional Pest Management is equipped to provide you with these solutions.

It's important to know that you don't have to go through tough times alone. There's always someone at the other end of the phone who will listen, offer kindness and keep your conversation confidential.
